The Chronicle of Philanthropy Network

With over 129,000 unique monthly visits, and over 306,000 monthly page views, The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the go-to resource for professionals in the philanthropic sector.


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With over three decades of history, the Chronicle of Philanthropy has a legacy of being the go-to resource for more than a million professionals in the philanthropic sector serving nonprofits, charities, and foundations. Many of the organizations we serve are in social services, healthcare, higher education, and many more across the sector.  Our audience relies on us for our timely news, trends, and advice – it’s the perfect platform to showcase your organization and available job positions.

Through our wider coverage into the philanthropic sector, especially nonprofits, we have broadened our audience to better position your staffing needs and deliver job candidates across an expanded array of industry areas. The Chronicle of Philanthropy offers many opportunities to position [your / your clients’] organization as a trusted brand, leader in the industry, and highly desired company to work for.

With the importance of staffing woven throughout our website and associated outlets, your message is sure to reach our active, engaged, and essential audience.

Leadership Audience Profile

Executive-level or C-Suite positions represent 21% of our audience such as Chief Executive Director, Chief Development Officer, CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, President and other leadership roles.

Fundraiser Audience Profile

More than 70% of our audience are employed in fundraising or leading an organization that relies on fundraising. Roles in fundraising include CEO/Executive Director, Chief Development Officer, Leader of Development, Major Gifts Officer, Annual Fund Raiser, Direct Response Fundraiser and Marketing and Communications. Overall, our audience is highly experienced with an average of 27 years of work experience and 19 years of nonprofit experience. In addition, they are a highly educated workforce with the highest degree earned is a Master’s degree followed by a Bachelor’s degree.


unique monthly visitors online



recipients each week



online monthly page views

Social Media


combined followers across owned platforms

Paying Subscribers


representing the most loyal audience in the nonprofit world



organizations give premium access to their entire staffs through site licenses

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